Monday 15 October 2012

Backyard Pirate Ship Playhouse - Props

A little late with my post this week, or a little early, depending on your frame of reference.

Well winter is almost upon us as it was pretty cold this weekend and let's not forget, more rain.  Anyways, didn't get out to the ship much but last night I decided that I really couldn't go a weekend without doing something for this ship so I tackled something Mathieu has been asking for, the treasure chest. 

This is one of several props (I'm sure) we'll end up making ourselves.  I've been looking for small cheap wooden barrels to simulate gun powder kegs.  I may end up duplicating one technique I used you'll see a little later on this page and make the barrels myself.

So, I started off by cutting all the pieces, which really didn't take too long.

Assembled the box.  You may notice a jar of carpenter's glue next too the box.  If you've never used it, do not underestimate glue in a project like this.  Once that glue is dry, I could likely remove all the screws from this box and it could still take a beating and hold together.

Next came the lid.  Now again, I'm no genius here as I just got inspiration from a small chest I saw in a decoration store and I just improved on the design.  The one I had seen in a store they just built the lid with straight edge pieces so they had cracks between the pieces.  I cut mine at an angle on each side.

Assembled (bu missing last piece) you can see the result.  With a little sanding on the edges where the pieces but against each other, this thing should look really nice.  This is how I may end up making the wooden gun powder kegs.

Now next pics are with the lid on the box.

You see my mistake?  Obviously something went wrong and that something is that after I had already cut the rounded sides for the lid, I went and made a slight design change in the box.  I opted to glue and screw the sides on the outside of the bottom board  instead on top of that bottom board.  This added and inch and a half that I failed to compensate for.  Ordinarily I wouldn't have posted these and would have waited until I had a "perfect" result but I wanted you to see that sometimes, a slight change of plan can have some embarassing results.  My wife couldn't believe that me, the planner, could have made such a rookie mistake.

So Wednesday night I'm going to have to modify this box to accept the lid.  I will need to empty it out first as my wife has advised me that Mathieu has already loaded it up full of pirate treasure.  I left the house before he was up this morning but by what she's told me, he was VERY happy with this new pirate item.

Hope to have some pics of it finished soon.

Drop by again soon, ya hear....


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