Sunday 23 September 2012

Backyard Pirate Ship - rained out (almost)

What a wet weekend!  All I managed to do was pick up the customs metal parts for the crane and work on the portholes.  It did clear up today but Mathieu had a birthday party to go to so off we went.

Ok, so here ae the parts my neighbour made for the ship.

Don't worry if these don't look like anything to you.  I showed them to the wife and she didn't know what I was going to do with these.  They make sense if you go back to one of the first posts where they might have been in the rough drawings I had.  Anyways, 2 of these parts will be going on the main mast but the 4 almost identical (except one) parts will be components in the the crane on the aft mast.  I was going to assemble that when we got back from the party but the 4 inch bolts I have are not long enough.  I didn't figure that a 4X4 (actually 3.5 X 3.5) along with 1/4 inch steel plating (times 2) added up to 4 inches.  DUH!  Of course it does, so my bolts go from one edge to the other but I have no meat left to screw a nut on to.

On Sunday afternoon, at 5:30, hardware store is closed so I went back to working on the portholes.

Now I'd like to say that I used that pretty little lazer level to make sure the porthole on the bow was level with the other two, but I can't.  It was the plan but I ende up eyeballing it as the lazer level just wasn't working out.  So viewed from the outside.

Viewed from the inside.

All I need to do now is run a bead of silicone around the inside and outside of these.

Again, small details that just keep adding to the ship.  Before the cannon doors and these porholes, the side of the ship was just "plain", no character, just no detail.  As I said before, finish work is definitely not my favorite part of the job, or at least I think it isn't.  The truth is when I do end up with some nice detail work like this I am quite proud of my handy work.

So tomorrow I'm going to hit the hardware store and pick up the right bolts and hopefully one evening this week I'll finish assembling the cran for the aft mast.  Also going to grab some more pine to finish the railings, etc...  Plan is to stain this in two weekends, weather permitting, so I guess I'm grabbing some colour swatches tomorrow as well.

Have a great Sunday evening everyone!

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