Sunday 2 September 2012

Backyard Pirate Ship - Day 17

Well what a momentous weekend this was.  The pirate ship had it's maiden voyage!  Meaning, Mathieu slept aboard for the first night ever.  Anyways, I'll get back to that.

Let's go back to Friday.  I took the day off to make this a really nice long weekend and I got to work on some finish stuff.  I wouldn't say that I hate finish work but it's definitely not my favorite part of the job.  I just find that progress is a little harder to notice once you're down to the finishing touches.

So the plan was to at some point this weekend, finally sleep on the ship.  I was not going to sleep in this thing without proper doors so I started with the back one.  Trimmed out the frame with some 1x4, made a nice edge and voila.

Viewed from inside.  Now I know this doesn't look airtight but hey, it's a kid's playhouse.  Besides, I am going to add some of that sticky foam strip to the inside of the trim so that should eliminate the daylight we see coming through the edge of the door.  On that note, one colleague lamented that I had not left any space between the boards when I covered the hull.  See how those board have dried up even more and I now have plenty of space between those board.

Now from the first pic I'm not sure if you noticed the poistionning of the hinges but from the next pic you can see that this door, when open, doubles as a ramp.  Now I still need to install some sort of a rope and pullie system with some counterweights so that a small kid has no difficulty in closing it, but this component is almost complete.

So that left the cannon room door leading onto the main deck.  Did the same here, trimmed it with 1x4 then made another custom door.  I have to admit that I didn't go with my first idea for this door but I'm glad I went this way cause I'm pretty pleased with the result.

Mathieu loves it because he's had a padlock for a few years now but with nothing of his own to lock, now he unlocks and locks this door ten times per day.

That's about all I got done on Friday.  Yesterday was a bringing in the firewood for the winter day and we had friends coming over for our labor day bon fire and fireworks.  And after everyone left, I was reminded by a 7 year old that I had said that once the doors were on we could sleep in the ship.  So I got the bunk ready.

Mathieu loaded up some snacks in the cooler now that the some of the beer had dissapeared, and he also made sure to get some pirate booty.

I know it's hard to make out but there's jewels and gold coins in there.  I finally tucked him in around 11 PM.  Temperature was going to drop to 8 or even 6 celcius so we opted for some tuques.  Always wear a tuque when camping in the fall.

Now he slept really good, I on the other hand have decided that this ship will very soon, be equipped with a fold down cot that will double as a table.  I will let you know the dimensions of this table once I have found an appropriate materass for it.

Anyways, he got up this morning, went through the forward hatch, unlocked the cannon room door and came down the rear ladder, opened up the cooler and poured us each a glass of orange juice.  Then he felt he needed to go to the bathroom and realized that make believe is all fine and dandy but when you gotta do number 2, you need to get back to the real world and find a bathroom.  He loved being able to sleep on his ship though.

So, we went back to the house, he went to do his business and I went up to bed, told my wife "tag, you're it" and slept for a few hours more.

So back to some ship business.  I've been getting a few e-mails from people about getting the plans to this thing.  Unfortunately, all I have right now are some rough sketches.  Once I've completely finished the project, I'll get some proper plans made.  Also, through various social networking sites and just plain search engines, I'm noticing some readers from as far as Russia, Germany and Australia.  Glad my blog is getting some viewers from around the world.  I started this thing so that co-workers and friends could follow the project but now e-mails and comments I get serve as motivation on those days where I don't feel like getting the tools out.  Keep em coming.

On that note, I bid you good night.

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