Monday 27 August 2012

Backyard Pirate Ship - Day 16

Gooday mates!

sorry but not much to report this weekend. Did get everything out Saturday morning but there was a lot of traffic (people dropping by to see the ship) and it slowed things down quite a bit.  Then around lunchtime one of my cousins dropped by with his kids and they were headed to the beach so we decided to tag along.  It was something like 35 degrees with some pretty big waves out there so we ended up only getting home around supper.

On Sunday I didn't have much time either as we spend a good portion of the day with some farm related stuff.  I won't bore you with the gory details but let's just say some lives were lost, the freezer is little fuller and we ended up having turkey for dinner last night.  (and in my best Forrest Gump voice) That's all I got to say about that. 

Before I forget, there was an incident on Saturday that was a little concerning, it ended well but gave me pause.  You see with all the visitors coming and going around the ship, I couldn't keep track of everyone and at one point I could hear screams coming from the hold of the ship.  With my cat like reflexes, I was there in a second and this is what I found.

Yes, that's my neighbour Ron, who Mathieu decided to capture and hold for ransom.  Now while I didn't approve of real piracy, I am now getting my lawn mowed for free for the next two weeks so I guess it can be ok in certain cases.  I'll just have to keep a close eye and take it case by case I guess.  Ron was evetually released without any physical harm but the emotional scars of being bested by a 7 year old may haunt him for years to come.

Back to the ship, I'm at a point in the build where a lot of time is spent on areas where you have to look closely to really see any progression.  So I am now on doing trim work and I did get both the back door as well as the cabin door trimmed but I'm going to wait to install said doors to take pics.  Plan was to sleep in the ship this past weekend but no doors means that some critters might join us for a sleepover so we've postponed our plans to this upcoming long weekend.  So this coming weekend I should have lots of new pics so be sure to check in then.

Thanks for dropping by.

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