Sunday 19 August 2012

Backyard Pirate Ship - Day 14

Good evening all.

Didn't do any work on the ship today as we headed out to the giant yard sale in Sussex to scope out some pirate stuff, well things that could go with the ship at least.  Got a few things like old wooden pullies for some of the rigging and also an old looking (but newly made in India) lantern.

Also, last night when I got home I had received this e-mail:

              Please advise Cpt`n Mathieu that his arsenal is ready for shipment
and will be forwarded to him as soon as transport logistics can be arranged.

Respectfully yours,
P.A Theriault
Production Manager,
P.A.T. Arms Manufacturing

Attached to said e-mail, were these photos:

Suffice it to say that these are big frickin guns.  I haven't shown Mathieu these yet as I think we're going to keep them as a surprise.  I can't wait to see these on the deck of the... come to think of it, we need to find a name for this pirate ship.  Any ideas people???

Hoping to put a big day in tomorrow as Mathieu is headed to a bday party in the afternoon.

Feel free to drop by tomorrow.

Good night.

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