Saturday 21 July 2012

Backyard Pirate Ship - Day 3

Well it's almost midnight again, but I did say I'd document this project every day so here I am. 

Started off slow today and the heat definitely slowed things down.  Probably drank a gallon of water this afternoon alone.  Tools were heating up fast too, especially when I was laying down the decking.  Also need to get a new blade for the miter saw.  The one I have now is slowing me down and it jammed up a few times so looks like I may be hitting the hardware store tomorrow.

Back to the ship.  Got all the decking done today.

At one point, I mentionned to Mathieu that we would eventually put in a rope bridge that would take off from the ship and go across the stream.  Also mentionned that it would be cool because the bridge would go through the trees and overgrown brush to get to the other side.  I said we'd need to cut a tunel through the branches so the bridgcould go through.  Next thing I know, here he goes with a pair of branch cutters.  Well actually he tried the chainsaw first but his little arms just couldn't handle it.

After supper we headed back out and we started to put up the ribs for the hull.  Plan for tomorrow is to try and finish the framework for the whole hull. 

Planning for another gorgeous day tomorrow (looks like I booked the right week to be on vaca) so should put in another decent day's worth.  If all goes well tomorrow, we should finally see a something that ressembles a ship.

Good night.


1 comment:

  1. Is that crododile dundee in the bushes, where's the machette? I guess snoopy ate Vern and your down one man cause not much more then two well ventilated walls got built today. I sure hope Johnny Deep and Keira Knightley are not planning on shooting the Pirates of the Caribbean 4-5-6 on this sink hole.
