Wednesday 25 July 2012

Backyard Pirate Ship - Day 5

So I woke up this morning and told my wife I was putting the big mast in today, she said "pardon???"

So the bottom part of the main mast is in.  It's just a 6x6 PT piece that I hollowed out a bit.  I made a groove in it that a 4x4 will fit in.  My 40 year old Craftsman circular saw heated up quite a bit when I did this.  I made parallel cuts in the 6x6, then used a chisel to hollow it out.  This did take way longer than I thought it would though.

Once the mast was in, I was able to frame the main deck pretty quickly.

Ended up the evening by starting to lay down the decking but by the time I started putting tools away it was getting pretty dark so sorry, no pics of that tonight.

Tomorrow I plan on finishing the main deck, frame the front bunk in the hold and start covering the hull.  So tomorrow is the day that Mathieu finally gets to stand on deck.

To be continued...

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