Monday 23 July 2012

Backyard Pirate Ship - Day 4

I know, I know, you were expecting a a post yesterday, but truth is we didn't do anything on the ship yesterday.  Humidex hit 35 degrees yesterday so I took the day off and headed to the beach.  Today was another scorcher but we did manage to start early enough in the day and got quite a bit done.

Started with the front (I think they call that the bow) of the ship.  Had a hard time getting all the angles right and had to scrap two pieces.  I wasn't winging it or anything, but I had put in the front piece and then tried to fit the 2 top plate pieces  by measuring them in place.  For some reason that didn't work.  So, I finally went back to the plan and just trusted the dimensions and angles I had calculated and lo and behold, it fit like a glove.  When it came to the back (the stern?), a few odd angles here again but I just followed my notes and everything fit.  On a side note, if anyone has a wood carving that would fit on the bow, let me know.  Doesn't have to be a mermaid or anything, just looking to add some authenticity to the ship.

Around 3 PM, it just got too hot again (Moncton had a humidex of 38).  One of the advantages of living here is that it's just 5 minutes to the beach, so off we went again.  It's a weekday so the beach was practically deserted.  Came back around 6, had supper then went back out again.  Finished top plates and put in first braces for the main deck.  We're now ready to put in the main mast.

All thru this build, we are making some slight modifications to the plan, both for practical reasons and for some creative ones too.  For one, the hold is 6 inches higher than planned, to accomodate the occasional adult pirate.  Second is a secret escape hatch that wasn't planned, but I am not at liberty to discuss it any further, for fear of being made to walk the plank by a 7 year old.

Tomorrow they're calling for 20 mm of rain.  If it starts in the morning I guess we'll be playing Legos and building toy rockets all day.  If it starts in the afternoon, I may get enough time in to put in the mast and some of the supports for the main deck.  Either way, I'll be back tomorrow with something.

Good night.


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