Thursday 19 July 2012

Backyard Pirate Ship - day 1

Well, today marked the official start of the build.  It wasn't planned that way but things change and I am now almost a day ahead of schedule. 

You see, today was my last day of work before vacation so the plan was to have the materials delivered tomorrow.  Surprise!!!  Truck was a day early so I had to skip lunch and try and get out early.  Good news is that I have found the most efficient and quickest way of unloading 2 bundles of lumber from a tractor trailer flatbed. 

Step 1, make sure your wife is home.

Step 2, have the truck arrive at least 30 minutes before you actually get home.

When I got home, my wife had already helped unload at least half the lumber.  Then to make things even better, Mathieu had a friend (Max) over and Max's parents just so happened to drive in when we were still unloading.  Let's just say we now had plenty of hands on deck to unload everything.

So most of the lumber is here and the gravel for the base had been delivered yesterday. 

I picked up two boxes of screws so all I'm missing is a few pieces of pressure treated wood for the base.  We haven't picked out a clor for the stain yet and I also have to go see my neighbour (the welder) for a few custom pieces of metal for the masts but we won't need those things till the end of next week.

You'll see from the pics that on top of getting most of materials today, we also managed to almost complete site prep.  Probably another hour or two of spreading the gravel tomorrow then we're ready to build.

If all goes well I'll have another update tomorrow.

Good night.


p.s.  on a shittier note, on my way home I caught another frickin rock in my windshield, I swear I'm a frickin magnet for rocks.  Guess I'm also dropping by the auto glass place tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. OMG... Somebody call child service cause it looks like some kind of child labour law is definitly being pushed to the limit here.
    Maybe it's a midget wearing a backpack but i did'nt think Vern did anymore hard labour gigs.Is the backpack to make sure he cant run away to freedom? Go figure all you've done in 2 days is spread some gravel, I did'nt know Tonka made home deliveries, you do realyze that there are bigger backhoes out there right. Anyway your pirate ship looks like a pile of dirt ...YES litterarely like a pile of dirt.
